Friday, August 03, 2012

Fotos del Tour Peru Milenario por Peru Apurimac Project

Fotos del Tour Peru Milenario en el Museo Britanico de Londres el 21 de julio que se realizo en apoyo a Peru Apurimac Project. Se recaudaron £30.48 mas 10 euros. Peruap agradece sinceramente a quienes asistieron y por su aporte que ayudara a proyectos comunitarios en zonas de pobreza y extrema pobreza en el Peru.
Muchas gracias
Claudio Chipana
Judith Grimsdell

Sunday, February 05, 2012

10 years of Peru Apurimac Project (PERUAP)

10  years of Peru Apurimac Project (PERUAP)

On Saturday 21st, PERUAP put on an event of photos and videos at East Dulwich Community Centre, to mark its tenth anniversary.  Friends of the project attended the evening and enjoyed music played by Paloma Palomino from Peru and Jeannette from Bolivia.

Claudio Chipana, coordinator and founder of PERUAP, presented the event  supported by Judith Grismdell, co-founder of the project.

They presented an account of the work done by PERUAP – of the help given to the various community groups in a wide area of Peru, and which started in the community of Chiara in Apurimac.

PERUAP’s visit to Peru in 2011 included visits to the shanty town Nueva Esperanza in Callao, the “Polivalente” Centre for handicapped children in Huancayo, the shanty town “Villa Señor de los Milagros” in Carmen de la Legua, the Elderly People’s Centre in Callao, the Bakery training Centre in Bellavista and the Union for Domestic workers in Lima (Sinttrahol).

At the end of the presentation PERUAP said thank you to all the friends of the Project for their help throughout the last ten years and said that the project would be continuing the Nueva Esperanza shanty town as well as other community projects.

London, 22nd January 2012-01-29



Wednesday, January 11, 2012